Jan-Hendrik Ewers Logo



  • J.-H. Ewers, S. Sarah, D. Anderson, M. G. Euan, and D. Thomson, “Enhancing Reinforcement Learning in Sensor Fusion: A Comparative Analysis of Cubature and Sampling-based Integration Methods for Rover Search Planning,” no. arXiv:2405.08691. arXiv, May 2024.

  • J.-H. Ewers, D. Anderson, and D. Thomson, “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Time-Critical Wilderness Search And Rescue Using Drones,” no. arXiv:2405.12800. arXiv, May 2024.

  • S. Swinton, J.-H. Ewers, E. McGookin, D. Anderson, and D. Thomson, “A Novel Methodology for Autonomous Planetary Exploration Using Multi-Robot Teams,” no. arXiv:2405.12790. arXiv, May 2024.


  • J.-H. Ewers, D. Anderson, and D. Thomson, “GIS Data Driven Probability Map Generation for Search and Rescue Using Agents,” in IFAC World Congress 2023, 2023, pp. 1466–1471. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.1834.

  • J.-H. Ewers, D. Anderson, and D. Thomson, “Optimal Path Planning Using Psychological Profiling in Drone-assisted Missing Person Search,” Advanced Control for Applications, p. e167, Sep. 2023, doi: 10.1002/adc2.167.